Life & Style

Behdienkhlam Festival reflects the tribal culture of Meghalaya, the reason for celebrating it is very special

The beauty of our country is seen in the traditions here. In the state of Meghalaya, after the sowing of crops in monsoon, a very special festival known as Behdienkhlamis

West Nile Virus wreaks havoc in Israel, know what this disease is and how to protect yourself from it

There is currently a West Nile virus outbreak in Israel. Thus far,

Guchhi Mushroom: The world’s most expensive mushroom, found in Kashmir, is highly prized

Did you know that there are many rare varieties of mushrooms in

Soaked figs pack multiple benefits! Here are 9 reasons to make them a daily habit

The fruit fig is well-known for its numerous health benefits. Eating it


Purple Cabbage has a wealth of nutrients, it is beneficial in everything from weight loss to diabetes

You can get benefit in weight loss by consuming purple

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Kim Kardashian surprises fans with a striking icy blonde hair makeover ahead of the 2024 Met Gala

Celebrity reality TV star Kim Kardashian, who has a sizable Instagram follower base, is giving admirers serious hair aspirations with

5 possible reasons why hair might turn white prematurely—keep an open mind!

White hair used to indicate age, but that is no longer the case. People's hair is now starting to turn

Oats vs Dalia: Which option is better for weight loss: oats or oatmeal?

Dalia and oats are the two main breakfast foods consumed first thing in the morning. Both have distinct health consequences

Boost your body’s magnesium levels with these 5 foods to restore vitality and strength

In addition to protein, calcium, and vitamins, magnesium is essential for maintaining the body's health. Not only does the brain's

Shaving or trimming, which of the two is better for your skin?

Both men and women should pay equal attention to hair style. In such a situation, if you are a teenager