Tag: Climate Change

Emotional Image Wins Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award: What’s the Story Behind It

Every year, the National History Museum organizes this competition. The organizers have

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Hottest Year: 2023 hottest in nearly 1.20 lakh years, disasters like earthquakes in Türkiye and floods in Africa also increased

Scientific resources being adopted continuously are having a bad effect on nature.

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International Conference: ‘Climate change has a deep impact on every region’, said WMO Deputy Chief Elena Manenkova

On the occasion of international climate talks, the deputy head of the

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Global Warming: Glaciers melting rapidly, carbon dioxide emissions increasing; Scary report of World Meteorological Organization

Glacier melting worldwide and ice loss from the Antarctic continental ice sheet

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PM Modi to attend COP-28, to discuss India’s upcoming roadmap for climate change

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit the United Arab Emirates from November

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